The future of warehouse management

The future of warehouse management promises exponential growth in business productivity. While reducing costs, there is also an improvement in the fundamental objective of warehouses, which is storage. This digital transformation within the warehouse management space has made ‘order fulfillment’ a more satisfactory experience for every party involved.

With rapid digitalisation in the world aided by the advent and advancement of the internet and technology, it is only natural that the activities within every business and their respective industries follow suit.

What this means is that there is a clear prospect for the advancement of industry operations-specific tools like warehouse management systems. This is to make for easier, faster, and more scalable business development.

What is Warehouse Management Systems?

To understand what Warehouse Management Systems are, we need to understand what warehouses are and what roles they play.

Warehouses are the storage spaces that industries use to keep their finished products, raw materials, and other miscellaneous materials relevant for the operational efficiency of the business. They serve as secure stop points for products before dispatch for sale or refinement in other facilities down the production line. In addition, because warehouses are relevant in the operational chain-link of service delivery, errors can be very costly and potentially detrimental to the overall business brand. This is why Warehouse Management Systems were created to reduce errors from human interferences in warehouse operations.

So, what is a Warehouse Management System?

Well, a Warehouse Management System is a term widely used within industries where there is a high purchase and delivery of products. It refers to the automated series of programmed commands that help smoothen the complicated processes involved in counting, sorting, indexing, and storing items within a warehouse. This includes the day-to-day activities such as shipping and receiving, picking of goods, inventory control, and so on that fall within the confines of a business’ warehouse processes.

Operations such as these, taken as a single process, are hard enough as it is. However, when you add the presence of multiple processes that have to run concurrently, a higher level of complexity becomes apparent. This is where technological advancement comes in handy – it helps to create automated, and sometimes tailored-to-fit warehouse management systems.

What is the Latest in Warehouse Management Systems?

Quick-witted and well-informed businesses are looking for the latest solutions in the future of warehouse management systems. What is their reasoning? It is simple. If your business’s procurement and distribution (i.e., storage and logistic) units are well-handled, it makes service delivery even easier. Therefore, it only makes sense that as a business owner, you seek the latest trends and workspace tools to help put your business ahead of the competition.

Come along, and let us show you the latest advancements in warehouse management systems.

  • Warehousing Automation

    Automated systems such as Hidden Brains’ Warehouse & Inventory Systems (WIS) are now replacing repetitive tasks, eliminating time-consuming and labor-intensive tasks from business operations. This will allow workers to focus more on adding value by improving quality rather than creating quantity, thereby increasing production capacity eventually.

    There are two core types of automation:

    1. Physical Automation: Here, manual labour is partially overhauled or replaced with robots/robotic systems. In some cases, it is considered the more expensive of the two, but it depends on the tasks and degree of automation required. Typically, it’s worth it in the end.
    2. Process Automation: Here, every manual process, such as manual inventory – is digitised, and human participation is completely removed, thereby decreasing errors and improving the efficiency of the warehouse operation. Adopting automation to warehouse management processes also boosts the quality of products while simplifying business processes. This type of service is synonymous with Software as a Service (SaaS).

There are many advantages for businesses going automated with their warehouse operations. The chief among these advantages is that businesses get full control over their warehouse operations in terms of security, control, update, and functionality. Another advantage is that businesses can easily build and customise their automation to match their needs due to the autonomy over operations automation.

One true thing is that Warehouse Automation is a costly endeavor; however, so is the return on this potentially revolutionary investment in your business. Processes like keeping track of orders and payments, maintaining incoming and outgoing stock, and ensuring dispatch and delivery of stocks, become easier with automation.

Without a doubt, technology taking center stage will make this option continue evolving and become even more efficient than we have now.

  • Artificial Intelligence x Warehouse Innovation

Another innovative solution is the use of Artificial Intelligence within the warehouse operations space. Leveraging Artificial Intelligence to guide how your machines learn the best set of actions to take when presented with a series of queries can help save time over operations. With the rapid changes in the supply chain industry and even more internally, within internal business logistics, warehouse management practices are now experiencing a high level of optimisation beyond human capabilities.

What this means is that operation efficiency has not only risen to unfathomable scales, businesses will see faster and more efficient warehouse processes. In addition, shedding excesses and zeroing in on other aspects of business operations is now possible because of AI adoption.

Some of the affected points of warehouse management using Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning include:

    1. Improved Efficiency: Warehouse management has seen Innovative and impressive progress, resulting in improved efficiency. By using an advanced computing system for the task of processing orders and general running of a warehouse facility, businesses cut costs and save on resources. An Artificially Intelligent program can help achieve this by gathering data from multiple sources and offering process-improving recommendations.
    2. Inventory Management: A lot goes into ordering, tracking, moving, and proper storage of stock within a warehouse. Be it for the most experienced or the most youthful. This demanding task can lead to very costly errors. Hence, the introduction of smart machines with the capability to learn, seamlessly copy, and follow the guidance or instructions of on-site workers. Artificially Intelligent programmes can provide detailed and error-free numbers regarding stock levels. This can be in real-time, which can aid in storage optimisation.
    3. Cost-friendly Operations: AI helps to improve general operations in the warehouse. Coupled with the fact that these programmes handle warehouse operations digitally, employees only have the time to execute other tasks. This is a welcome development for saving costs. In addition, there are minimal chances for errors due to reduced human involvement.
    4. On-time and on-demand: Because AI is easily accessible, it is a strong incentive to attract prospective businesses interested in running a smooth and hassle-free operation. It is also a great solution for businesses that operate without a specific opening time. From updating packing and dispatch information to accepting orders and processing payments, Artificial Intelligence is a great option for small, medium, and even large-scale businesses.
  • Logistics and Tracking

Stock delivery for clients and even in-house depends on seamless logistics and on-time/real-time tracking. This means that for a business to meet certain demands like product production or service delivery, the logistics and tracking of the business must be on point. As such, it is fair to say that the logistics unit serves as the heart of the business operation. And if such a vital organ is stifled, the whole business could die. This is why technology has stepped in to avoid such an occurrence and ensure the actual improvement of the current situation.

There are selections of management systems active businesses adopt. Moreover, these businesses choose based on industry, sector, industry-specific needs, and of course, financial capabilities. An affordable and reliable Warehouse Management System is Hidden Brains’ Warehouse and Inventory System (WIS). Specifically designed to take on key points of warehouse storage and management process, Hidden Brains WIS eliminates human errors. Businesses also enjoy improved operation speed despite impressive operational efficiency and optimal service delivery.


Every business depends directly or indirectly on a bright future for Warehouse Management. Retailers and wholesalers are gearing up for this as it boosts sales and improves service delivery across the board. In addition, the current trend of development would see companies distributing more and more resources to match the changing trends.

Optimising your warehouse to integrate the new managing systems is the smart way to go. Are you looking for newer ways to hack business growth smartly and innovatively? Follow us on all our social media accounts for more tips!

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